It was a nice long break for most of the students at Stockton College. Although, I did not go on break and stayed in Galloway, it was nice to have a mental break from school. Most of break was spent working at the Graduate Admissions Office with my awesome co-workers, and the other part was spent in North Jersey at home with my family.
The semester began on January 21 with a half day because of the impending snow.. So, my first day of class ended up being cancelled. Then classes the following day were cancelled as well! So, my first two days of classes ended up being pushed until the following week. As nerdy as it sounds, most of our class wanted to have class these two days. It was nice have the extra two days off, but it pushed back assignments and readings into each other.
It has been two full weeks since classes have started and we are all in full swing. From readings, to reports, and presentations, we are already up to our elbows in work.
This is my second semester as a Communication Disorders student in the Master's Program and I can tell it'll be a difficult one. Although I am not completing Clinic I this semester, I still have 9 credits of classes and I work every day. It is definitely "do-able" to work a lot in this program, but staying focused and keeping my attention on school work is a top priority. I don't have much time to say "I'll do it later" or "I can just do it tomorrow." If I know I have an assignment due, I need to make sure I set a specific time to do it, or else I either won't get it done on time or will be rushed to finish it before classes. You can't really rush graduate work either. Everything needs to be completed with detailed, correct information or else your professor will notice. Graduate school is very different from undergrad. Every class is serious, every assignment counts and readings are more important than ever.
It will be a difficult semester, but working at the Graduate Studies Office every day keeps me on my toes by putting me in time constraints. This semester will be very structured. It will be a challenge, but I am most definitely up for it!
- Kaitlyn