Friday, April 28, 2017

Finals Week

Image result for finals week
Finals week is upon us and it is time to rise to the occasion!  I know every graduate student has some type of enormous final, massive research paper, or gigantic project they must complete. It’s important to remember to pace yourself and take breaks when necessary.  A stretched mind is not a productive mind so even though it may seem counterproductive to take a break, it can actually help more than you think.  Coffee and candy are your best friend this time of year because the caffeine and sugar will keep you going!  Good luck everyone, you can do it!

Here are some cute puppies to help you relax!

Image result for cute pup     Image result for cute pup
Image result for cute pup  Image result for cute pup

Image result for you got this  - Eric 

Friday, April 21, 2017

Lake Pam

Now that the weather is beginning to turn from frosty to sunshine, it’s time to come out of hibernation and check out the beautiful scenery that Stockton has to offer.  Most of you graduate students are working on papers, projects, and studying for tests, (See my last post on Procrastination) but it is important to take a break to get some fresh air.  Everyone knows about the most iconic lake on Stockton’s campus in Lake Fred, but few know about his sister Pam.  Lake Pam is a natural lake located in the woods across from Parking Lot 1 and next to the Garden State Parkway.  Pam is a peaceful lake that is clear as day on a nice afternoon and perfect for relaxing or even a little studying.  Pam is smaller than Fred, but what she lacks in size, she makes up for in scenery.  The lake has various spots around it that differ in height, so they give the onlooker a unique perspective depending on where you actually stand.  Lake Pam is always one of my favorite spots to go for a run or just relax at, so it’s definitely worth a look.  The semester is almost over so it is crunch time, but don’t forget to take a break and see the natural scenery that surrounds out big school in the pines. 


Friday, April 14, 2017

Three Years Later.. A Brief Flashback Look into my Journey to Stockton

For those who don't know me, my name is Ike and this semester (spring 2017) will be my 3rd year and 6th semester at Stockton. I currently serve many leadership positions on campus including being a student representative on the Board of Trustees. Looking back at my experience at Stockton, its hard to believe I've come this far.

My journey to Stockton University was a rather unique one. Stockton was a school I initially applied for as a high school senior but decided not to go to; I never imagined I'd end up here. During my transfer process I considered many schools, but I chose to come to Stockton because of their Dual-Degree program. Stockton's Criminal Justice program offers a Masters of Arts in Criminal Justice with several different tracks (I choose the Homeland Security Track). Although Stockton wasn't the only school that offered the Criminal Justice Dual Degree program, it was the only school that offered me direct entry into the program as a transfer student. It's safe to say this program brought me to Stockton, it's hard to believe that I'm more than half way done with the program.

Looking back at my journey, I truly believe that Stockton University has truly helped me develop many professional skills . Many of the skills I've learned are due to my involvement on campus in various leadership roles. I wouldn't trade this experience for anything!


Image result for procrastination
It is a simple word that college students know all too well.  By definition it is the action of delaying or postponing something or to a college student, it means finding something better to do.  Now maybe you are one of the few that plans accordingly and gets all of their work completed without any stress.  If that’s the case, then that’s great and this post is not for you.  If you are like the rest of the student population, procrastination plays a major part of your college career.  It is not something planned, however it is something that happens.  You wait until the last minute to start a paper, project, or study for a test because you were checking Instagram, Facebook, Snapchat or using Google Earth to get better acquainted with the country of India, as Tim Urban puts it.  This has happened to everyone and sometimes comes back to haunt us in the last month of the semester.   Maybe it wasn’t your fault because something legitimately came up or there was an emergency, but if that’s not the case here are some tips to help you stop procrastinating in the future:
  1. Stop thinking. Start doing. ...
  2. Don't blow a task out of proportion. “If you want to make an easy job seem mighty hard, just keep putting off doing it.”
  3. Just take the first step. ...
  4. Start with the hardest task of your day. ...
  5. Just make a decision. ...
  6. Face your fear. ...
  7. Finish it.

Here is a great Ted Talk by Tim Urban titled Inside the Mind of a Master Procrastinator.  It is a short video that discusses how a procrastinator thinks and how, on some level we are all procrastinators. 

