Monday, November 28, 2016

The Semester is Almost Over- You Can Do it!

It is now time to finish the semester strong! I know going back to classes today was dreadful after having a nice little break because of Thanksgiving. But I was soon reminded that final exams are going to be soon approaching, so I have to stay focused. That is when I grabbed that extra cup of coffee in order to catch up on school work. Since finals are right around the corner, I want to provide you with some study tips that I have found helpful:
1.      Have time management- Even though you may feel that you have two weeks to study, it will approach really fast. You also need to make a schedule that works for you. Cramming may work for some people, but do you really retain that information? No. By making a schedule it can help you maintain your time management, so you are not that person that is cramming to remember information and setting your standards lower due to time restraints.
2.       Alternate study spaces- Studies have found that changing your study space can be helpful in retaining information. You also want to pick a space that you would be the most productive and feel comfortable in. For example, I am not good at studying in the library because I get distracted by people easily. Your personal study space preference could be different, but maybe change it up to find new spaces that may help you memory new information.
3.       Make a study group- I have found that study groups are the perfect thing to do before an exam. I know that myself and my peers will study separate and then come together into a study group in order to quiz each other. When working as a team, your friends could help you find a better way to remember information or provide you with a great explanation when you don’t understand something. Working in a group can also help you divide and conquer the schoolwork, like making a study guide.
4.       Make flash cards- I LOVE flashcards. This is the best way for me to remember information for a test and an easy way to quiz myself as well. Everyone has their own way to study though. I know other people who like to rewrite things over and over again. Personally flashcards are my go to when it comes to studying. I feel like flashcards are great because I am required to write down the information and then see it over and over again.
5.       Take mental breaks- Sometimes you brain needs a break! When making yourself a schedule, remember to include breaks. You also need to consider when you will be the most productive. Will you be more focused after eating a meal or following a gym session? I know that I will study for an hour and then give myself a break. Sometimes I just need to walk away, take a breath, and refocus myself before going back to studying.
6.       Don’t multitask- Even though you may think that you can multi-task- don’t! By only focusing on one thing, it can help you better retain the information. I remember in class participating in an activity that required divided attention and I learned how much information I was actually missing by trying to multitask. Even though I do catch myself trying to do more than one thing, I have found that when I do focus on one task it has truly helped when studying.
7.       Sleep!-I know that I will catch myself trying to stay up studying, wanting to just remember one more thing for the exam. That is when someone usually reminds me how important sleep actually is. As much as I don’t want to admit it, sleep is important and necessary. Just remember that finals are only going to be going on temporarily, so try to get a little extra sleep.
8.       Coffee and chocolate are essential, so keep them on hand :) - We all dread and hate finals! Always have chocolate handy for those moments when you feel a break down coming on. You also may find yourself drinking coffee a little- it helps!
Finals will be over before you know it! Hopeful my study tips above will be helpful. Please feel free to share any tips that you may have. The semester is almost over, don’t give up now!

 Thank you for reading!
-Steph J.