Tuesday, March 10, 2015

Getting Through Midterms

Ahh Midterms, the halfway point in the semester and the week of craziness before spring break. This is when most of us become addicted to caffeine, stress eat all of our feelings and emotions (candy, dessert, pizza, all the unhealthy things), sacrifice sleep for more studying, get slightly moody from being overwhelmed with stress, could care less about our personal appearance and live in sweatpants or yoga pants, and feel like our worlds are going to fall apart and we are going to fail. We stress so much over a simple test, everyone tells us we are going to be fine, but in our midst of craziness we don’t believe them. 

Here are some friendly tips to help get you through this week of craziness without losing your mind!

2.   Get organized, make your note cards, study guides, etc. (the more organized and prepared you are the better you will feel).
3.   Study with friends! This is my saving grace. I can study by myself and feel like I know nothing or become confused. When I study with friends and talk it out I build my confidence on the subject and retain the information so much better. Plus a lot of times your friends will have ways of remember things that might help you. The best way to do this is to study on your own first and then come together.
4.   Pack yourself healthy snacks and meals. You may really want that slice of pizza, cheeseburger, cheesesteak, etc. They taste great and smell amazing however, they make you feel stuffed, bloated, sleepy, and after you eat them you usually just want to go take a nap or watch TV. Healthy options will keep your brain powered, body fueled, and you focused. (Treat yourself though: Have an iced tea, chocolate milk, chocolate covered peanuts, pretzels, strawberries etc, popcorn, ice cream, and even splurge on a cookie if you really want).
5.   Caffeine, caffeine, this all personal preference. I myself am not a huge caffeine person. I drink tea from time to time, but have noticed since graduate school I drink more. I try to limit my caffeine though. Instead of constant caffeine during midterms when I feel like I am crashing I will grab a raspberry iced tea, a soda, or really cold water to wake me up. I will admit I go for the caffeine when those crashing points hit, but I try to wait until then.
6.   Get some sleep! You will not remember anything if you don’t get sleep. A tired mind is a lazy mind, a lazy tired mind retains enough to just get you through the day. You need your rest!
7.   Give yourself a break! You can only study so much and there is a thing as OVER STUDYING!! Go out and do things. Go see a movie, grab dinner, hang out with friends, spend time with family, lounge around and watch Netflix, go to the gym, etc. Whatever will help to relax you! Remember you are a person who has a life and needs. School is a priority but it is not your whole life. You need breaks!
8.   Most Important Learn what works best for you. For instance, I like
-         using a white board to write everything out and visually see it.
-         Color coding my note cards.
-         Studying with my friend, we work so well together (I am very lucky).
-         Talking out my note cards while I drive (probably not the safest but it helps me).
- I also take excessive notes during class so that when I go back I can remember everything from that lecture.

Now that you have some tips for next time and your exams are done enjoy your Spring Break =)


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