Sunday, October 25, 2015

Midterms, Time Managament, and Orangization!


         Thank goodness, midterms are over! This semester is by far my most challenging and demanding yet. Between working at my clinical full time and attending classes 3-4 nights a week it was difficult to find time to study. I tried to study on the weekends, my nights off from class, before class, and on my lunch break at my clinical. I would even try to record myself reading my notecards or talk out what I could remember to myself while driving (every moment counted). What helped me the most was having a study group the day of my exams. I met with 4-5 girls in my cohort. and went over our entire review. This gave us the chance to talk things out and share how we remember things with each other. After all, we all learn differently!

       I am proud to say I survived getting a brand new case load and midterms all in one week. Now the biggest challenge of all ...............waiting for my grades lol. 

 Graduate school has forced me to master my time management and organizational skills , without either of these I would lose my mind.

Here are some time management and organizational tips that help get me through!
  • Write everything down in your planner! My planner is my life. I spend an hour at the start of each semester going through my syllabus's and writing everything out.
  • Color code classes. All my classes are color coded by highlighter in my planner. Then I take it a step further and even buy binders to match.
  • Plan!!! plan out time to study for exams, work on presentations, and homework.
  • Give yourself a break! Breaks and rest are a must otherwise your brain will go into overload and you will be fried.
  • Files will be your best friend! I make files on my computer for every class I have every year (ex: research or second year of grad school). This makes it easy for me to find and keep track of things.
These are just some things that work for me. Feel free to comment below with what works for you, maybe I can learn something new =)
Until next time!

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